A Dream Car at a Dream Rate
Member David Armstrong, a local nurse enthesitis, loves Porsches. Specifically, the older models. “I just love their styling, their detail,” he says.
Which is why he got really excited when he found the exact make and model he wanted for sale. A beautiful, red 2006 Cayman S. But that love of classics presented a problem. Most banks will only offer loans for used cars that are 3-5 years old.
“I tried several of the larger banks. But they weren’t interested in giving me a loan,” David says. “They were all cold and inflexible. I guess to them it is just a simple question of the age of the car.”
As David tried the different banks, he worried his dream car would be sold. Then he had an idea. A Coastal member for more than 15 years, he walked into the Wakefield office and asked about a loan.
And we were more than happy to help. Where other banks only saw the age of the car, we listened to him and saw his love and passion. It was clear this was a great investment for him, and for us.
“Not only did Coastal listen to my situation, but they gave me a great rate that was more than competitive with the other banks,” he notes.
Less than 24 hours after David started the application he was driving around in his new car.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, he still has the car. You can often seem him taking it out for a spin on nice days. “I love it too much to take it out in anything else,” he adds.